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By: Paul J. Gertler PhD
- Professor, Graduate Program in Health Management
Activation Procedure: A technique used to detect defects of neuromuscular transmission during repetitive nerve stimulation testing muscle relaxant hydrochloride buy 500 mg robaxin otc. Most commonly a sustained voluntary contraction is performed to elicit facilitation or postactivation depression infantile spasms 8 month old buy robaxin 500 mg low cost. Characterized by a time course of progression to maximum deficit within 4 weeks of onset of symptoms. Electrodiagnostic studies most commonly reveal evidence for demyelination, but axonal degeneration also occurs. Adaptation: A decline in the frequency of the spike discharge as typically recorded from sensory axons in response to a maintained stimulus. Reproduced by permission of the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine. Afterpotential: the membrane potential between the end of the spike and the time when the membrane potential is restored to its resting value. The membrane during this period may be depolarized or hyperpolarized at different times. Amplitude: With reference to an action potential, the maximum voltage difference between two points, usually baseline-to-peak or peak-to-peak. By convention, the amplitude of potentials which have an initial negative deflection from the baseline, such as the compound muscle action potential and the antidromic sensory nerve action potential are measured from baseline to the most negative peak. In contrast, the amplitude of a compound sensory nerve action potential, motor unit potential, fibrillation potential, positive sharp wave, fasciculation potential, and most other action potentials is measured from the most positive peak to the most negative peak. Amplitude Decay: the percent change in the amplitude of the M wave or the compound sensory nerve action potential between two different stimulation points along the nerve. Abnormal decay without increased temporal dispersion may indicate a conduction block. Anodal Block: A local block of nerve conduction caused by membrane hyperpolarization under a stimulating anode. Does not occur in routine clinical studies, since it is possible for the anode to routinely result in nerve depolarization if sufficient current intensities are used. Antidromic: Propagation of a nerve impulse in the direction opposite to physiologic conduction; for example, conduction along motor nerve fibers away from the muscle and conduction along sensory fibers away from the spinal cord. Artifact (also Artefact): A voltage change generated by a biologic or nonbiologic source other than the ones of interest. The stimulus artifact (or shock artifact) represents cutaneous spread of stimulating current to the recording electrode and the delay in return to baseline which is dependent on the ability of filters to respond to high voltage. Movement artifact refers to a change in the recorded activity caused by movement of the recording electrodes. Asterixis: A quick involuntary movement caused by a brief lapse in tonic muscle activation. Specific features include dysmetria (incorrect distance moved) and dysdiadochokinesis (irregularity of attempted rhythmic movements). Most commonly due to a disorder of the cerebellum or proprioceptive sensory system. Averaging: A method for extracting timelocked potentials from random background noise by sequentially adding traces and dividing by the total number of traces. Glossary of Electrophysiologic Terms 841 Axonal Degeneration: Degeneration of the segment of a nerve distal to the cell body with preferential distal pathology. Axonotmesis: Nerve injury characterized by axon and myelin sheath disruption with supporting connective tissue preservation, resulting in axonal degeneration distal to the injury site. Backaveraging: Averaging a signal which occurs in a time epoch preceding a triggering event. Baseline: (1) the potential recorded from a biologic system while the system is at rest. Benign Fasciculation Potential: A firing pattern of fasciculation potentials occurring in association with a clinical syndrome of fasciculations in an individual with a nonprogressive neuromuscular disorder. Biphasic Action Potential: An action potential with one baseline crossing, producing two phases. Bipolar Needle Electrode: Recording electrode that measures voltage between two insulated wires cemented side-by-side in a steel cannula.
F-wave traverses the peripheral motor pathway from the distal limb to the anterior horn cell and back to the muscle; thus spasms gums purchase robaxin 500 mg mastercard, F-wave latency minus the distal M-wave latency divided by two plus the distal latency muscle relaxant pictures discount robaxin 500mg on line. Minimal changes have Motor Evoked Potentials 393 been reported with sedating agents such as lorazepam, diazepam, and midazolam. Anesthetic agents can suppress the response at multiple sites, particularly at central synapses in the cortex, anterior horn cell, and less so at the neuromuscular junction. Unless core body temperature is quite low, temperature produces only a mild, gradual increase in stimulation threshold. Normal data have been obtained in only a few laboratories (and for specific stimulation and recording methods that have not been widely adopted). For clinical studies, amplitude measures generally are not used because of the marked differences among normal subjects. Such a finding is strong evidence for a demyelinating process, as in multiple sclerosis. In the operative setting the goal is to protect central motor pathways which may be at risk at a time when clinical examination is not possible. More recently, they have become a valuable tool in brachial plexus exploration and reconstruction, in assessing whether the motor root is 394 Clinical Neurophysiology avulsed. Such changes may be present even in the absence of any major or clear-cut neurologic deficit. Magnetic brain stimulation: Central motor conduction studies in multiple sclerosis. Assessing functional preservation of the motor tracts and predicting recovery in spinal cord injury has become a major topic of research with the increasing number of treatment trials addressing spinal cord repair with growth factors, stem cells, and bridging grafts. Seizures were very rare occurring in only five reported cases, usually with underlying epilepsy, cardiac arrhythmia in five patients and intraoperative awareness in one. There were no recognized adverse neuropsychologic effects, headaches, or endocrine disturbances. Based on these findings the relative contraindications include epilepsy, cortical lesions, convexity skull defects, raised intracranial pressure, cardiac disease, being on medication for epilepsy testing under anesthesia, intracranial electrodes, vascular clips or shunts, and cardiac pacemakers or other implantable biomedical devices. Success rate of motor evoked potentials for intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring: Effects of age, lesion location and preoperative neurologic deficits. Analysis of the coil generated impulse noise in extracranial magnetic stimulation. Sensitivity and specificity of somatosensory evoked and neurogenic-motor evoked potentials in animals and humans. Localized transcranial electrical motor evoked potentials for monitoring cranial nerves in cranial base surgery. Facilitation of magnetic motor evoked potentials during the cortical stimulation silent period. Changes in motor evoked potentials to shortinterval paired transcranial magnetic stimuli in multiple sclerosis. The responses can be elicited by a variety of stimulation techniques using either magnetic or electrical stimulation to the cortex, spinal cord, or peripheral nerve. Recordings can be obtained from several structures including the spinal cord, peripheral nerve, or muscle dependent on the clinical application. The clinical neurophysiologist should have a basic understanding of the techniques as well as the potential physiologic and technical factors that need to be accounted for in the interpretation of these studies. Safety of intraoperative transcranial electrical stimulation motor evoked potential monitoring. Variability of motor potentials evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation depends on muscle activation. Transcranial stimulation excites virtually all motor neurons supplying the target muscle. Optimization of facilitation related to threshold in transcranial magnetic stimulation. Transcranial electrical stimulation for intraoperative motor evoked potential monitoring: Stimulation parameters and electrode montages.
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